KY Champion™

Delicious melon/orange flavor with tangy hint of raspberry; Very early ripening


Discovered on the Old Walker Orchard (of the late 1800s) in Richmond, KY by Woody Walker, “KY Champion™” produces large, elongated fruit with very durable skin, helping to protect it from bruising and discoloration. The firm, golden orange pulp has a superior melon/orange flavor with a tangy hint of raspberry. Shelf life is especially short but the pulp freezes well and seeds are easier to clean than most. The tree is remarkably resistant and responds well to grafting. Fruit size averages around 8-9 ounces. Ripens very early season. (Needs “Overleese” for consistent pollination/ “NC-1” provides moderate pollination.)

* Woody Walker release

* Grown on late 1800s orchard

* Thick skin

* Elongated fruit with firm, golden orange pulp

* Delicious melon/orange flavor with tangy hint of raspberry

* Needs “Overleese” or “NC-1” for pollination

* Very early ripening (Highly recommended for shorter-season, northern-range growers.)


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